
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The poem below was sent to us by a friend. Don’t know who the author is. Enjoy and share with others.


Patriot Manifesto

We are the face of our land
The folks who made this country grand
Believe in truth without lies
The proud ladies, honest guys

We come from every walk of life
And are against hate and strife
In God and country is our faith
Fit looking danger in the face

This Nation won by guts and guns,
Beloved daughters and the sons
Not to give up or to give in
To foes out there and within

Born free, forever living free
When facing menace wouldn’t flee
So “We The People” right the wrong
Stay indivisible and strong

We’re not afraid to wage a fight
For kids the future must be bright
With peaceful heavens high above
Long live America, our love!