October 18, 2020 | by Eriс

Being white is a verdict

Being white is a serious mental disease that needs to be cured. At least this is what the University of Minnesota tells anyone who wants to listen. But worry not, the help is on the way.

An interesting article found here https://www.theblaze.com/news/university-of-minnesota-12-step-whiteness-recovery for those who want to know what is taking place in our land.

Did you know you have a problem? We surely did not, but are gradually becoming aware there is something wrong with us. The life we live is tragically incomplete, rife with racism and wrong values long-hidden from the societal oversight. But once you acknowledge you have a problem, there is a 12-step process that can cure you; make you a better person and citizen. Much like with AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) therapy groups. Accept the facts, confess the ills, reflect on the newly-found knowledge, become a fighter for justice. Rid yourself of everything that made you a person of white heritage and embrace the new political faith. All of this is promoted by the progressives; a new dawn on America.
