January 10, 2021 | by Eriс

End of Chapter, Sense of Loss

We feel a profound sense of personal loss. We lost a good and rare man who radiated great hope. We suffered a loss of footing and a loss of a positive predicable future for the country and the world. Our Lady Liberty had not fallen, but stumbled. We trust she will regain her stately composure, but it would not be an instant occurrence

It is as if someone turned a book’s page. The chapter has ended. The next chapter is in front of us and it’s blank. It will not be blank for long.

While we supported President Donald J. Trump and his initiatives for America and the world, many of us never were among his most fanatical fans. This is how we are. We don’t own MAGA hats. Never went to DC where his supporters showed their unity. He was brash; made many errors and enemies along the way, but who doesn’t? We voted for him, quietly applauded the right moves in domestic and foreign politics, the “pandemic checks” mailed to everyone; the “deals” he put together for the Middle East; the bold and gutsy steps he took in protecting American interests elsewhere.


January 7, 2021 | by Eriс

Lies That Lead to War

Lies come in all calibers. Small lies and bigger lies. Like cheating on an exam and attaining a better grade. Being deceitful about affairs to save oneself and the harmony of family life. Lying to police investigating a crime. Lying about an injury to obtain insurance compensation. Do you see where we are going with this?

One of the biggest lies in History is being perpetrated very much in front of us. It is so large and far-reaching that it cannot be hidden. Everyone and his brother are aware of it. Only the liars don’t stop. No amount of public shaming can impede them. They have it all figured out:  How to suppress the voices of dissent, where and who to buy to join their howling chorus. The net of lies was put into place to steal the American elections of 2020 and the country’s HONEST future. They lie to the general public through the images of violence they just created on TV, so to turn the public opinion against a truly peaceful protest.  And to reach the ultimate goal they set for themselves – POWER. They seek unlimited, unbounded political power over this country for years to come.

Anything goes to get there. Sticks and carrots, threats and intimidation, criminal violence, bribery, political machinations, exploring weaknesses of people who should be our guardians and protectors. They’re shutting down and rendering the Courts silent. Stealing the Senate. Falsehoods in the press and MSM, as these entities become fully complicit in the lies and semi-truths (which are lies) they spread. Social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, shamelessly gag our President’s voice. They also censor the facts that contravene the lies. Plus financially support the propagation of their miserable agenda among the general population and the voters.


January 6, 2021 | by Eriс

“Woke” Dissected

Beautiful things occasionally happen to those who are trawling the Internet for answers. Frequently, Google isn’t at all helpful. You cannot always spell out what you want. Sometimes you aren’t even looking for anything specific, but find a gem. Foul droppings belonging to the screaming adepts of critical race theory and Social Justice Warriors are plentiful. But calm, thorough, balanced conservative voices are hard to come by. And then, suddenly, you stumble upon the sounds of reason, and you feel like you’re no longer alone. Even if you never met or will ever meet these people. But just like you, they are there. Radiating hope, they light the way for others.

Everyone has their angle, unique viewpoint and a story very much unlike your own. Meet the type of thinking you can eagerly agree with. Some offer the depth of subject coverage only few of us will attain. Others are located on academic thinking plateaus most folks would have difficult time ascending to. Very intelligent people, utilizing highbrow language; they are the true intellectuals who rarely come down from their perches. They are the thinkers. The ones who often devise the magic “cement formulas” most of us would use to put the societal building blocks into place.


January 2, 2021 | by Eriс

America. Very Large, Fast-Moving Ship

This essay is addressed to everyone, not only my fellow countrymen.

Believe it or not, but the “ship” comparison, above, is an ancient one. It comes from the Greek philosopher Plato, who lived in the V century BCE, from his work “VI of the Republic.” It says the government should be like the Captain of a navy ship. Our Founding Fathers, coincidently, all studied Plato in their formative education. It was their hope the people would elect only the very righteous and honest to be in government, to steer that “Ship of State.”

So, America is a fast moving vessel. This ship’s motion affects the entire world. The ship leaves very large waves in its wake.

Our country is in the state of transition, soon to become a revolution. The shear mass of 330 million people is about to begin a changeover, be it peaceful or forceful; in the course not yet defined.


December 28, 2020 | by Eriс

BLM – Democratic Party Stooges

Hey, what is happening to the BLM movement lately? They were so loud, obnoxious and menacing in the days after George ‘The Thug’ Floyd died while in police custody. You don’t hear much from them these days. Of course, this means they re-group, get ready with new demands, draw new slogans; getting ready to march and torch, when the circumstances give them an opening. Or, perhaps, the need in their dirty services has diminished?

When our glorious not-so-very-elected-president Joe Biden was having his future policy meetings with various political players, me-too-me-too BLM leaders used the opportunity to remind him it was their support and relentless assault on the people of the United States that brought him black voters and ultimately got him sort-of-elected. It is a lie, of course, but they wanted concessions and political favors from him and the Democratic Party. Don’t think the meeting went well, though. Socialist ideas are scaring some voters away. Once used, a condom is not re-useable and must be discarded. In case of BLM, perhaps not fully discarded, but frugally preserved, just in case. Democrats can always use some lightly worn scumbags. It takes one to know one.


December 23, 2020 | by Eriс

The Parallel Worlds of America

In case you haven’t noticed, there are at least two parallel worlds here, in America. Each exists in their own reality, with its own people, problems, aspirations and expectations. They share the same physical space most of the time and occasionally cross into each other’s territory. Both are concerned with raising kids, meeting payments on time and health issues in today’s turbulent world. They look at surrounding reality through two separate sets of glasses. These worlds mostly exist in people’s minds.

A good number people of the first world think of themselves as the cultured elite; the thinkers; sophisticated, highly educated; the trendsetters for everyone else. Their liberal views are what might be defining America as the place of freedoms, of societal initiatives, of defending the weak and oppressed, of protesting the injustices as they see them. The freedom of religion was somewhat important here, but not as important as the freedom of speech. Of fighting the big government every step of the way on just about anything the government did. Here they tolerated, but generally abhorred the firearms and always wanted a society where arms would be regulated and ownership restricted. Light drugs use was never truly frowned upon, as something evil. Abortion rights were and still are a woman’s choice. The critical thinking for this side is pretty much expressed by the New York Times; it’s here world and national trends find a fair reflection through the eyes of its reporters and contributors. Politically, the Democratic Party had a solid support base among the first world’s population, most closely reflecting their individual values, income levels and concerns, fights for civil rights and equality, taxing the rich and supporting the poor through a variety of programs paid by the general public. These views are still here today, more or less, albeit mirroring the modern trends and advancements in technology and its global reach.


December 20, 2020 | by Eriс

Mutiny in America. Red vs. Blue

We all would like to think that on January 20, 2020, when our President is sworn in for the second term, all of the troubles are going away; with happy end, peace and forgiveness and universal love.

No, not really.

On the same day, some place, Joe Biden will also be sworn in as president, by some judge. Democrats will be celebrating victory and their new era. That celebration will be short. It would not be about the country and its future. It would be about power grab and about war on America.

We are talking about a real coup d’état. The unforgivable act of mutiny and of treason. We cannot have two Presidents therefore one of them will have to go.


December 16, 2020 | by Eriс

The China Syndrome of American Elections

Those of you with long memories may recall the 1979 movie “China Syndrome.” The movie is about nuclear reactor meltdown. “China Syndrome” phrase allegorically of course, refers to disintegrating reactor components that would melt through protective concrete layers and the earth beneath it, all the way to China.

The term stuck in our popular culture. This online publication calls it “idiomatic” and refers to it as “countable behavior, policy, or situation characteristic of or involving China; an actual or potential catastrophe, especially one involving China.” This is an easy way to describe the major disaster.

So much is happening today in political life around us. Discoveries of Democratic Party fraud, deceit; fake Republicans revealed and graft exposed. Among the things being tossed around there is something that receives enough coverage and yet it seems no one had looked at it in depth.

One thing sticks out. China is in the news, much more often than before.

To be clear:  Here we are only referring to the country overseas and not to Chinese Americans.


December 12, 2020 | by Eriс

Sliding Into War

It’s an early morning hour, just after midnight. We couldn’t sleep for some reason. Read the news. And they are not that great at the moment. There will be no judicial process resolving fraudulent election results. Every court, including the Supreme Court of the United States had rejected lawsuits related to the important matter at hand. They all rejected it on technicalities, despite overwhelming voluminous indisputable evidence that major cheating took place. Not one of them looked at the evidence. NOT ONE.

How do you get justice here? You go to court. But you cannot get justice when the courthouse doors are locked and no one will accept your complaint. So, you would be standing there – dismayed, confused and angry. Your belief in the system is shaken, because the justice route is not for you. None of courts wanted to be involved in politics. Or they have reasons they wouldn’t explain to the public. This only means that politics will get involved with them.


December 10, 2020 | by Eriс

American Revolution of the Year 2020 and beyond

Unless you were hiding under a rock someplace or went into winter hibernation, you cannot not notice the events unfolding in front of our own eyes. American Presidential elections of November 3, 2020 have transformed the country. We are largely in the state of hectic agitation now. First it was disbelief, then frustration, followed by rising tempers. As of this writing, lots of people are getting angrier and angrier with existing, and very dysfunctional political and social order. What was as solid as a rock for generations is coming apart at the seams. We are no political scientists, but it becomes very obvious that
